K-6th grade
At Bridge Church, we believe in the next generation! That’s why we prioritize providing an engaging learning experience from birth to 6th grade through our Little Bridgers (Birth-Pre-school) and Bridge Kids (K-6th) services.

Planning a visit to Bridge Church with your family?
Here’s what to expect:
- When you arrive, you will check-in your kids at the check-in counter located on the right hand side of the main lobby. You’ll be asked to fill out a Connect Card, so that we have your child’s medical and emergency contact information, plus they’ll be in the system for next time! You’ll receive a temporary tag that you should keep with you for pick up.
- Your child will enjoy age appropriate activities in the Kids auditorium. Kids are invited and encouraged to participate in worship, games and a Bible lesson. We will breakout into small groups to dive deeper into The Word. Little Bridgers will enjoy a Large group time and break off into small groups for crafts and snack time.
- After the main service is over, you can head back to the check-in area for pick up! Hand us your pick up tag that matches your child’s security tag – your child will meet you at the exit doors. Little Bridgers Parents can pick up in the classrooms. A teacher will check out your little ones.
- No one who has not been background checked or is not accompanied by a volunteer will be permitted behind the main Bridge Kids doors.

Gathering Times
9:00 & 10:30am
Sundays at 12:15pm
Wednesdays at 7pm
741 East Wilco Hwy Hutto, TX 78634 | 512.843.1683 | info@bridge.church